Twenty-sixth Week of Ordinary Time

Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people, that bringing forth in abundance the fruit of good works, they may be abundantly rewarded when our Savior Jesus Christ comes to restore all things; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Monday - 18: Ps 47 & 48, Judith 12, Acts 17:16-end | Ps 49, Isa 31, Luke 3:23-end

Tuesday - 19: Ps 50, Judith 13, Acts 18:1-23 | Ps 51, Isa 32, Luke 4:1-30

Wednesday - 20: Ps 52, 53 & 54, Judith 14, Acts 18:24—19:7 | Ps 55, Isa 33, Luke 4:31-end

Thursday - 21: Ps 56 & 57, Judith 15, Acts 19:8-20 | Ps 58 & 60, Isa 34, Luke 5:1-16

Friday - 22: Ps 59, Judith 16, Acts 19:21-end | Ps 63 & 64, Isa 35, Luke 5:17-end

Saturday - 23: Ps 61 & 62, Ecclesiasticus 1, Acts 20:1-16 | Ps 65 & 67, Isa 36, Luke 6:1-19

Sunday - 24: Ps 68:1-18, Ecclesiasticus 2, Acts 20:17-end | Ps 68:19-36, Isa 37, Luke 6:20-38

The Daily Office Readings come from the Book of Common Prayer, 2019 edition.


Christ the King Sunday


Twenty-fifth Week of Ordinary Time