What is Pastoral Care?
Immanuel's Pastoral Care is mainly carried out by our pastoral staff and a trusted, qualified group of lay leaders. Our other staff pastors are also available for meetings as needed. Pastoral Care meetings typically look like one or two meetings with parishioners who find themselves in need of someone to prayerfully listen, guide, or supplement. We believe our calling as pastors is to shepherd as we are able, and sometimes that looks like directing parishioners to others in our community including laypeople, counselors, medical doctors, spiritual directors, or other professionals. It is our great joy to be faithfully present to you in seasons of uncertainty and seasons of joy.
Every week as a part of our Sunday services, a few of our pastors are available for prayer and connection after communion. If you would like to connect with a pastor during the week, we are available to meet in person or over Zoom. To set up a time to meet, email one of your pastors directly, or fill out the form below.