Trinity Sunday
Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Trinity Sunday - 12: Ps 105:1-22, Josh 9, Luke 23:1-25 • Ps 105:23-44, Ezek 17, Acts 13:44-14:7
Monday - 13: Ps 106:1-18, Josh 10, Luke 23:26-49 • Ps 106:19-46, Ezek 18, Acts 14:9-end
Tuesday - 14: Ps 107:1-22, Josh 14, Luke 23:50-24:12 • Ps 107:23-43, Ezek 33, Acts 15:1-21
Wednesday - 15: Ps 108, 110, Josh 22, Luke 24:13-end • Ps 109, Ezek 34, Acts 15:22-35
Thursday - 16: Ps 111, 112, Josh 23, Gal 1 • Ps 113, 114, Ezek 35, Acts 15:36-16:5
Friday - 17: Ps 115, Josh 24, Gal 2 • Ps 116, 117, Ezek 36, Acts 16:6–end
Saturday - 18: Ps 110:1-24, Judg 1, Gal 3 • Ps 119:25-48, Ezek 37, Acts 17:1-15
Sunday - 19: Ps 119:49-72, Judg 2, Gal 4 • Ps 119:73-88, Ezek 40, Acts 17:16-end
The Daily Office Readings come from the Book of Common Prayer, 2019 edition.