Third Sunday in Lent
Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Sunday -20: Ps 47, 48, Exod 27, Matt 24:29-end • Ps 49, Prov 18, Eph 2:1-10
Monday - 21: Ps 50, Exod 28, Matt 25:1-30 • Ps 51, Prov 19, Eph 2:11-end
Tuesday - 22: Ps 52, 53, 54, Exod 29, Matt 25:31-end • Ps 55, Prov 20, Eph 3
Wednesday - 23: Ps 56, 57, Exod 30, Matt 26:1-30 • Ps 58, 60, Prov 21, Eph 4:1-16
Thursday - 24: Ps 59, Exod 31, Matt 26:31-56 • Ps 63, 64, Prov 22, Eph 4:17-end
Friday - 25: Ps 113, 138, Exod 32, Luke 1:26-38 • Ps 131, 132, Prov 23, Eph 5:1-17
Saturday - 26: Ps 61, 62, Exod 33, Matt 26:57-end • Ps 65, 67, Prov 24, Eph 5:18-end
Sunday - 27: Ps 68:1-18, Exod 34, Matt 27:1-26 • Ps 68:19-36, Prov 25, Eph 6:1-9
The Daily Office Readings come from the Book of Common Prayer, 2019 edition.