Third Sunday in Lent

Heavenly Father, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you: Look with compassion upon the heartfelt desires of your servants, and purify our disordered affections, that we may behold your eternal glory in the face of Christ Jesus; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday - 12: Ps 26, 28, Exod 19, Matt 19:16—20:16 • Ps 31, Prov 11, Col 1:21—2:7

Monday- 13: Ps 29, 30, Exod 20, Matt 20:17-end • Ps 33, Prov 12, Col 2:8-19

Tuesday - 14: Ps 34, Exod 21, Matt 21:1-22 • Ps 35, Prov 13, Col 2:20—3:11

Wednesday - 15: Ps 32, 36, Exod 22, Matt 21:23-end • Ps 38, Prov 14, Col 3:12-end

Thursday - 16: Ps 37:1-17, Exod 23, Matt 22:1-33 • Ps 37:18-41, Prov 15, Col 4

Friday - 17: Ps 40, Exod 24, Matt 22:34—23:12 • Ps 39, 41, Prov 16, Philemon

Saturday - 18: Ps 42, 43, Exod 25, Matt 23:13-end • Ps 44, Prov 17, Eph 1:1-14

Sunday - 19: Ps 45, Exod 26, Matt 24:1-28 • Ps 46, Eph 1:15-end, Matt 1:18-26

The Daily Office Readings come from the Book of Common Prayer, 2019 edition.


Fourth Sunday in Lent


Second Sunday in Lent