Proper 13

Let your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday - 31: Ps 78:1-18, 1 Sam 20, Rom 1 • Ps 78:19-40, Neh 10, John 6:1-21

Monday - 1: Ps 78:41-73, 1 Sam 21, Rom 2 • Ps 80, Neh 12, John 6:22-40

Tuesday - 2: Ps 81, 1 Sam 22, Rom 3 • Ps 83, Neh 13, John 6:41-end

Wednesday - 3: Ps 84, 1 Sam 23, Rom 4 • Ps 85, Hos 1, John 7:1-24

Thursday - 4: Ps 86 & 87, 1 Sam 24, Rom 5 • Ps 88, Hos 2, John 7:25-52

Friday - 5: Ps 89:1-18, 1 Sam 25, Rom 6 • Ps 89:19-51, Hos 3, John 7:53—8:30

Saturday - 6: Ps 27, Rom 7, Mark 9:2-10 • Ps 80, Hos 4, John 8:31-end

Sunday - 7: Ps 90, 1 Sam 26, Rom 8:1-17 • Ps 91, Hos 5, John 9

The Daily Office Readings come from the Book of Common Prayer, 2019 edition.


Proper 14


Proper 12