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Memorial Drive Ministries Month

For the month of November, we are sharing more about Memorial Drive Ministries! MDM seeks to end the disconnectedness for refugees and the diverse community of Clarkston by fostering diverse Christian worship, innovative social services, and transformative relationships on their Memorial Drive campus.

We have two ways you can engage this month to serve the MDM community now and throughout the year:

  1. We are collecting diapers and wipes for MDM to distribute to families in need. They are specifically needing diapers size 4 and up! You can bring diapers to church on Sunday morning or purchase them through the wishlist and send them directly to MDM using the link below.

  2. We are looking for 3-6 regular volunteers to assist with the Inspire Afterschool program for refugee middle-schoolers that meets on MDM Tuesday through Thursday afternoons. This program has been on hiatus since March of 2020 and it is re-launching as it meets a critical need in the community! Volunteers would ideally serve weekly and responsibilities include snack servers, academic tutors, enrichment volunteers, and family engagement assistants (You can find out more about these volunteer positions and requirements HERE). Sign up using the link below…

October 31

Tuesday Morning Virtual Prayer

November 5

Newcomers' Event