Easter is the great 50 days in which we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. With Lent’s 40 days of fasting and Easter’s 50 days of feasting, it’s like Easter swallows up Lent whole. We eat good food. We drink good drinks. We celebrate. We live our lives well and fully. In Lent we let go; in Easter we take up.

It is a season where we think about the reality of our everyday lives in light of the resurrection of Jesus. We open our eyes to the reality of “life after, life after death,” to the reality of the world’s glorious resurrection in Jesus Christ. Paul said, “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Romans 6:5).

In Lent we buried some things in the earth; in Easter, we ask and expect Jesus to bring much fruit from the buried things. Join us as we celebrate the resurrection all season long!


  • Engagement Guide

    Within this guide you will find themes and descriptions, as well as sample practices you can participate in yourself or as a group or family in order to engage in multiple facets of what this season means for us.


    Join us May 14th at 7pm as we study Paul's briefest letter in the New Testament and how it highlights forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation.


    Join us Sunday, May 5th for a spring picnic at Mason Mill Park in Decatur! Bring your own snacks (and some to share), a picnic blanket, and lawn games if you have them. This is a great opportunity to connect with others at Immanuel and meet new folks as well. All are welcome—we hope to see you there!

Serve with our Partners

We’ve gathered a couple of opportunities with our local partners, so we can celebrate the Easter season by loving and serving our community.

Suggested Reading

We’ve added some new titles to our bookstore to help you engage more fully in this season. You can grab these books on Sunday morning or use the links below to purchase them yourself.

Practice Resurrection by Eugene Peterson

Acts for Everyone by N.T. Wright

This Homeward Ache by Amy Baik Lee

What If Jesus Was Serious about Heaven? by Skye Jethani